

En résumé

Dora Rodríguez est une économiste, expert en relations commerciales internacionales. Elle a été très impliquée idans le procès d'intégration de l'Amerique Latine pendant plus de 30 ans.

Dora Rodriguez is an economist, expert in foreign trade relations. She has been involved in the Latin American Integration Process for over 30 years.

Until November 2013, she was Minister, Alternate Permanent Representative of Mexico to Latin American Integration Association (LAIA). In this position she prepared strategies to achieve the objectives of the organization as well as to help Mexican enterprises expand their international operations in Latin America.


  • Latinamerican Integration Association - Undersecretary

    2008 - 2008
  • Mexico's Ministry of the Economy - Minister, Alternate Representative to Latinoamerican Integration Association

    2003 - maintenant
  • Latinamerican Integration Association - Chief of the Department of Trade Negotiations and Trade Agreements

    1997 - 2003


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :