


En résumé

Ingénieur géologue et Economiste.

A assumé des responsabilités opérationnelles en expatriation pour le groupe Elf de 1969 à 1992.

De 1992 a 2000 a tenu des postes de direction au sein de l'Exploration production du Groupe Elf.

Depuis 2001, poursuit une activité de Consultant indépendant principalement dans les domaines d'évaluation d'Actifs pétroliers et de Projets de prise de Domaines d'Exploration production. Cette activité est internationale et s'accompagne de missions dans le monde entier.


  • Independant - Conseil

  • Independant - Independant Consultant

    2001 - 2014
    Jamil J. el Aydouni

    Mr. el Aydouni is born and was educated in France where he acquired a Master degree
    Earth Sciences and graduated as Engineer in Applied Geology and Mining (ENSG,
    Nancy 1966).

    Mr el Aydouni has a large and international professional experience of over 45 years in the Oil Industry, of which 18 years were spent in managerial positions for the ELF Group. This experience, applied to numerous aspects of Exploration - Production ( E&P), was obtained through 15 years of successful operational responsibilities within six E&P subsidiaries of the Elf Group: Mozambique, South Africa, USA, Canada, Libya (VP Exploration) and United Kingdom (VP Exploration).
    In the Head Office, he held different positions in the fields of Project Studies and Economics.

    From 1992 Mr el Aydouni took Senior Managerial positions in ELF Head Office in the fields of Project Studies, Business Development and Technology.

    In 1998 he became Vice President Technology for the E&P of the Elf Group.

    Since 2001, Mr el Aydouni is an International E&P consultant. His activities were mainly
    dedicated to West and East African oil countries, but also in China, Russia Kazakhstan and Armenia.


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :